Dr. King’s birthday is indeed a special day to remember a leader and a change agent who created so much good around him. This good, continues to this day.
Today, our students are faced with innumerable challenges – from online classes; a lack of sports or extra-curricular activities; to an economic nightmare that continues to tear away small amounts of security each day from the fabric of their lives.
On top of all of this, we have political and social disruption of a magnitude that we did not think the United States would see, or that higher education would have to deal with.
We all know right from wrong. The META team encourages our corporate, political, and educational leaders to realize that what they do today will have a lasting impact for generations of young Americans and our influence around the world. Discord that is created today will have a massive impact later. Let us all behave knowing we carry great responsibility.
META Teletherapy knows good things are around the corner. Tomorrow will always be better. With thoughtful actions today, we can assure our children of bright tomorrows.
Till then, META Teletherapy renews its commitment to support our students.