This app is not for emergency purposes - if you are in a crisis, call 911 immediately.

Welcome to META, Seahawks!

META is a wellness app that helps college students take control of their mental health.

About META

  • Access to licensed therapists
  • Video, audio, and chat consultations
  • Professional, confidential, and affordable
  • Treatment for all types of mental health concerns


Vetted, licensed therapists


Information is securely stored in our HIPAA compliant portal


Most insurance plans accepted

Studies show that online therapy is just as effective as face-to-face sessions and alleviate the stigma of seeking mental health services.

1 in 4 college students are living with a mental illness. You're not alone.

Therapy for your needs

Stress, Anxiety, Panic

For help with general worry, distress, school related issues (finals, homesickness, roommate, etc…), coping skills, immigration, social distress, public speaking issues, panic attacks, phobias, social anxiety, etc.


For help with feelings of sadness, lack of motivation, times of extreme sadness mixed with times of extreme happiness and energy, thoughts of suicide*, self-harm*, etc.

Gender & Sexuality

For help with concerns specific to LGBTQI+, sexuality and or gender fluidity, transition support, etc.


For help with concerns specific to veteran’s health, wellbeing, PTSD, etc.


For help with past, recent, and or ongoing; abuse, violence, trauma, PTSD, etc.

Substance Abuse

For help with excessive use and or issues related to substances, medication, alcohol, etc.
*For Immediate Crisis META is committed to providing you with quality mental health services, but you should be aware that in the case of an immediate emergency call 911 or 1-800-273-8255.

Take control with META

Get the App

Download the app and create a profile.

Choose a Therapist

Search our directory of licensed therapists.

Start a Dialog

Schedule a consultation and get started.

Explore Our Blog

Practice Mindfulness

At its core, mindfulness is about being aware of your "now." Not thinking about the next day or the next hour. Not obsessing about the past or the future, but paying attention to your body and your environment in the present moment How do you practice mindfulness? ...